Marketing for IT Products & Services

We help companies and startups grow their sales pipeline through integrated marketing. By tailoring marketing strategies by
industries, verticals, and customer segments, we are able to provide better return on your marketing Rupees.

Based on your sales and revenue goals, we first help you build a marketing strategy and then provide you with the right resources to execute upon a winning strategy.
Account Based Marketing company – Our B2B marketing strategy focuses on identifying and targeting a specific set of accounts based on your business’s ideal customer profile (ICP) as opposed to the traditional demand waterfall marketing.
Our team of highly experienced professionals can help you prospect the right people at your target accounts, and in the process generate higher revenue.
As your marketing partner for accounts we work with you to reach key decisions makers and influencers at your target accounts by delivering specific messaging on multiple marketing channels.
We help technology startups generate qualified leads and grow sales pipeline through a range of marketing and consulting services.

But we understand that any strategy in the absence of clear actionable goals and key measurement metrics won’t yield great results. Therefore, any marketing that we do for our clients tied to these KPIs:

  • Traffic
  • Conversions
  • Marketing Qualified Leads (MQLs)
  • Sales Qualified Leads (SQLs)
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From deal negotiations to capturing synergies during integration, we help clients gain value and deliver it to stakeholders.